EBG Website Critique
(not for the precious or faint-hearted)

Grab your very own upfront, personal, and in-your-face website critique from me

I'll take maybe an hour to make a detailed, unfettered, and utterly clinical and cold-hearted video-critique of your website, and cover the four most important areas:

  1. Marketing/sales strategy
  2. Structure — navigation and flow
  3. Style — fonts, images, layout, and all the readability-shit it seems no one but me bothers with (because they don't understand it, for the most part)
  4. Copy (finally)

You'll get a link to the video in your email inbox in just a few days.

Is it worth it?

Well... just a single change in the details of the fonts on one victim's... client's site was enough to increase response by 700% (that's not a typo). Can't promise the same for you, but it does show what's possible.

Fee: Just £500 plus 23% VAT if applicable.


P.S. No discounts or special offers, but here’s what I will do: if you go on to do more with us in The Operation, I’ll roll the fee for the critique in with whatever comes next — so you’ll essentially be getting it for free.

Can’t say fairer then that, can I?

“No, EBG, you can’t” is the only correct answer to that.
