EXCLUSIVE: join us in the Foundations Mastermind and grab yourself a FREE seat at the September 26th Full Day Online Intensive
Most business owners are struggling with one of more of these THREE challenges... and your reading this means YOU are almost certainly one of them:
- You’re not making enough money and so have no time or opportunity to fix things . I get it... you’re working hard, you’re delivering great quality and service... but there’s always too much month left at the end of the money and you don't have the time to stop what you're doing and change things so you can take the time to stop... (you see where this is going, right?).
- You struggle to attract enough of the right kind of clients or customers. Instead, you find yourself with dealing with price-resistant, awkward, and impossible-to-please dimwits who are slow to pay, pay only grudgingly, and only if you can get them to pay at all (don’t do this... you don’t have to and shouldn’t work with anyone you don’t want to).
- And when you do get the right clients... you find it hard to convert them to sales at a price where you make a decent profit. Even when you get sat in front of a great potential client you find yourself offering a painful, gouging discount which chews up most of your profits right at the last minute because you fear losing the sale altogether (you don’t have to do this, either).
Here's your chance to stop the recession DEAD in its tracks — starting NOW
(PLEASE — if you do nothing else to change your business today invest less than 20 minutes of your time to watch this video)
Bad news and good news...
The bad news is your business and your fortunes are NOT going to change all by themselves.
Meaning... if you carry on doing what you’re doing right now, and what you’ve been doing to bring you to the point you’re currently at, then where you are is where you’ll stay.
And that’s the mistake most business owners make: they focus on the unsatisfactory results they’ve been getting for longer than they care to remember, and thus guarantee they’re just going to get more of the same.
It’s madness to think repeating the same behaviour is (somehow) going to give you different results.
And you saw in the video the consequences you can expect if you ignore this simple truth.
The good news is since your results depend on your behaviour, and you can change your behaviour any time you choose, you can change your results.
No, you can’t change your situation and circumstances overnight, but you can change your direction in a heartbeat.
And that's what the Foundations Mastermind is all about: changing your business for the better from the inside out and the bottom up.
The down-and-dirty about the Foundations Mastermind
To get the right clients, sell to them at the right fees, and so free up your time and make more money, you have to have all elements of the Accelerator Model working together and optimised for maximum effectiveness and efficiency.
The Programme
The Foundations Mastermind comprises a scheduled curriculum where we work methodically on the three areas summarised in the Accelerator Model I described in the video (clue: if you haven't watched it, then now would be a good time to do so).
Essentially, it gives you a complete marketing-, sales-, and business-system with your positioning and pricing optimised for growing, scaling, and profit.
It'll give you a robust and reliable means to attract top quality clients and sell to them at premium fees.
And because the heavy lifting will be taken care of by these systems, you’ll have more time and money to do other things.
Now, this is the point where you probably expect me to go into endless detail about every aspect of the Foundations programme and try to overwhelm your critical-thinking with the sheer quantity of "stuff" you get.
Ain't gonna happen.
Here's why:
- It'd take me too long. Seriously. You're looking at almost 18 years' experience in the field. I can't distill all that into a web page. Besides, this isn't my CV and I'm not looking for a job. You either trust I know what I'm talking about... or you don't. My guys' results from mentoring are enough to tell you all you need to know about me.
- You're not qualified to evaluate its efficacy. Look, if you knew how to do all this stuff, you'd be doing it. You don't, and you're not. Quite simply, you don't have the experience to look at how we do things and make a judgement.
Our shit works, and that's all you need to know. The only judgement you can make about Foundations is by evaluating the results you get. And you won't get those until you've been with us for a while. - It's a Mastermind, and not a self-study course. In other words, we guide you through the process rather than leave you to your own devices.
Not everything is going to be relevant to you and your experience with the material and the advice you get from us will be bespoke and unique to you.
Here's how we do it
Because we want you to succeed you get ongoing, hands-on, and personal support from me and the team at all levels to get the strategies, tactics, and knowledge we share with you plugged into your business.
So here's a brief summary of what you get when you're a member:
- A FREE seat at the September 26th Full Day Online Recession-Busting Intensive. We'll be digging deep into what it's gonna take not just to survive the coming shitstorm but to turn it to your advantage and thrive in it, and come out the other side with a leaner, fitter, and stronger business.
- Online community platform where you can rub shoulders with the other guys and gals in the group. This is where you can ask questions, and chew over problems with me, Connor, the others experts, and the other Members.
- Regular live “Ops Calls” and Q&A sessions with me and Connor over Zoom. They give you massive accountability to keep you on track and provide a powerful and supportive forum to share your plans, wins, and challenges. You'll be able to post Q&A questions and get them answered live and in person by us.
- The monthly Foundations Newsletter. Printed on real paper, this 12-page newsletter will drop through your letterbox like clockwork every month. It's packed with solid and actionable tips for you to plug into your business right away. Frankly, this newsletter alone is worth your entire mmbership fee.
- Monthly online trainings on various aspects of the nine accelerators I described in the video. I won't go into detail for the reasons I've already given.
- The annual GYBF Foundations Summit. This will be a combination of "learning" and "doing" — it's NOT a matter of sitting in a room listening to me and Connor pontificate for two days. COVID-19 permitting we'll have this live at a venue in the UK; alternatively, we'll host it over Zoom.
- You get free access to essentially everything I've ever written, said, or had videod over the last fuck-knows how many years... events, newsletters, books, trainings, products, etc. It's all excellent and essential background info., and covers every aspect of the work we do in exquisite detail... dozens of hours of audio and video, and hundreds of thousands of words of Evil Bald Goodness covering every topic in the field you can imagine (and some undoubtedly couldn't).
- And much, much more... The world is constantly changing, and because of that business must needs change with it. So as time goes on we'll change and adapt the Foundations Mastermind to suit. Can't say fairer than that, can I?
Membership fees are £250 + VAT each month (£300 in total)
Let me be candid...
The Foundations Mastermind is an exclusive group and we are very particular about whom we'll allow to join us.
Yes, I know... every business coach and mentor under the sun probably makes the same claim and you've probably heard it all before...
... yawn.
The difference is we mean it.
It's a matter of record we turn people away frequently and often from our Mentoring group, and more than once I've withdrawn my invitation right at the "shit or bust" moment on a call.
We intend to carry on the same tradition with Foundations Mastermind.
We are that serious about maintaining the integrity of the group, and for three reasons:
- We spend a lot of time and energy working on your business. I don't want to be spending time in a meeting, on Zoom, or in the bar at the Summit with someone I don't like, don't trust, or who doesn't do the work they're supposed to do and trots out nothing but a tired old line of excuses.
- The group as a whole is close-knit. There are no cliques, back-biting, or hidden agendas. What happens in the group stays in the group. Members often share shit with us they won't even share with their spouses. We don't want anyone who won't fit into that kind of environment.
- While it's fun and friendly, it's NOT a democracy. Connor and I run the show. We know what we're talking about and what we're doing and that's why our Members get exceptional results. We need to be sure YOU are going to do fucking work so you get the fucking results.
You also need to be able to cope with me, too. I'm autistic — Asperger's syndrome — with co-morbid alexithymia. This is going to affect how you and I relate to each other, and the better you get to know me, the more aware of our differences you'll become.
In truth, we could get more Members and grow far faster than we are doing if we wanted to, but we refuse to do that at the expense of the quality of the Membership.
Members stay with me for years.
And they stay for a reason.
All that said, and as intimidating as it may seem, if you do qualify to for a place and your Application is successful, you know you've earned your place.
Your Membership
The Foundations Mastermind is a 12-month commitment.
It's a serious group for serious business owners, and if you're not prepared to give it yopur best shot for a year, then stop reading right now and go back to your old way of doing things. Things won't change and your business won't improve much, and this time next year you'll be a little worse off than you are now, but that's on you.
Nothing will change unless and until you do.
But if you're hesitating, I get it: as far as you're concerned it's untried and untested.
Sure, it may have worked for others, but how do you know it's going to work for you?
You don't.
And I'm not expecting you to take my or anyone else's word for it.
So, here's...
30 day Guarantee
My personal 30-Day unconditional rock-solid, cast-iron, and no wiggle-room "love it or leave it" Money Back Guarantee
If, for any reason or no reason at all you DON'T absolutely LOVE Foundations Mastermind and aren't UTTERLY CONVINCED it's going to be worth AT LEAST an extra £100k on your bottom line over the next year...
... then simply let me know and I'll give you a full refund — no arguments and no questions...
... no kidding.
Membership fees are £250 + VAT each month (£300 in total)
All you have to do is give it your best shot for 30 days.
That's all.
So I'm not even asking you to say yes...
... just "maybe".
And in the unlikely event you reverse your decision to be a member of Foundations Mastermind, no one's going to be checking up on you and asking you awkward questions.
Bottom line: if you can look me in the eye on paper and tell me you gave it a fair shot and it hasn't worked for you, then that's good enough for me.
Look, we're in this for the long haul, Connor and I, and the vast majority of my Members stay with me for years, so it's a safe bet we'll be pulling out the stops to ensure your time with us is as profitable for you as we can possibly make it.
But notwithstanding our guarantee, you have a responsibility, too.
While the work involved won't necessarily take much of your time, it's not always easy, and we do expect you to attend the Ops Calls three or more times a week, and participate in the online discussions.
We won't be chasing you about this, but I want you to come into Foundations with your eyes open.
You WON'T get beneficial results just by being in the Mastermind. Despite what the Law of Attraction asshats claim, success doesn't come from osmosis or wishful thinking.
If you want the results you have to do the fucking work.
And how quickly will you begin to see results?
Impossible to say without knowing more about your business, but most Members will start to see definite and measurable improvements in their lives and businesses within a week or two.
Next Steps...
- Watch the video above if you haven't watched it already, and then read the whole page so you know exactly what you're getting into. If you have questions, then now's the time to ask them. You can email us here: foundations@growyourbusinessfast.co.uk.
- Click the "Join us NOW" button below and follow the simple on-screen instructions. The fees for your Membership of the Foundations Mastermind are just £250 + VAT each month, and they're taken care of by Direct Debit with GoCardless.
At the moment we don't take credit cards and have no plans to do so (principally because we don't want anyone getting into debt to be a part of the Mastermind. If you can't cover your dues out of your bank account and cash-flow, then Foundations isn't a good fit for you).
If you can't set up a GBP Direct Debit, or you'd rather have us raise an invoice and use BACS (the latter for quarterly or annual instalments only), email us for details.
You can email us here: foundations@growyourbusinessfast.co.uk. - After you've completed your Direct Debit on the next page, you'll be asked to fill out a simple Application. This is going to allow us to get to know you a little better before we start, and help us get you set up on the system.
Please, answer all the questions as fully as you can. There are no right or wrong answers. There is only the truth (and the more you tell us, and the more open and honest you are, the better we can serve you). - If we accept your Application you'll be invited to join the rest of the new members in the August intake. You'll begin your Foundations membership with an Induction Call with Holly, our Responsible Adult. She'll get you set up on Basecamp, our community platform, and give you a walk-through of how everything works.
You'll be able to pick a time to talk to her once you've completed your Application.
NOTE: If we DON'T accept your Application we'll cancel your Direct Debit and if any money's been taken we'll refund it as quickly as we can (and if we don't accept your Application, please on't take it personally because it's highly unlikely to be meant that way).
Before you decide
I often hear business say they want things to change, but when they realise what change requires, they simply go back to the old way of doing things.
The truth is, change is hard.
Hell, change is scary.
Because our results come from our actions, our actions stem from our beliefs, and our beliefs are driven by our thinking.
To get different (and better) results you have to take different actions.
And that means you have to change what you believe about life and business making the effort to change how you THINK about life and business.
So if you want radically different results from the average, typical, and "normal" business owner, you have to think differently from the average, typical, and "normal" business owner.
And we all know what happens to those who are "different", don't we? (as an autistic, it's something I've dealt with all my life, and I've got it down to a fine art — and it's a philosophy I share with you in Foundations Mastermind).
Like it or not, your ultimate success or failure in business is up to you.
Join us or not.
It's your choice, and you're free to make any choice you wish.
But you're NOT free to avoid the consequences of your choices.
So choose wisely.
Membership fees are £250 + VAT each month (£300 in total)
P.S. Just to remind you... here's a brief summary of what you get when you're a member:
- A FREE seat at September's upcoming One Day Recession-Busting Online Intensive. We'll be digging deep into what it's gonna take not just to survive the coming shitstorm but to turn it to your advantage and thrive in it, and come out the other side with a leaner, fitter, and stronger business
- Online community platform where you can rub shoulders with the other guys and gals in the group. This is where you can ask questions, and chew over problems with me, Connor, the others experts, and the other Members.
- Regular live “Ops Calls” and Q&A sessions with me and Connor over Zoom. They give you massive accountability to keep you on track and provide a powerful and supportive forum to share your plans, wins, and challenges. You'll be able to post Q&A questions and get them answered live and in person by us.
- The monthly Foundations Newsletter. Printed on real paper, this 12-page newsletter will drop through your letterbox like clockwork every month. It's packed with solid and actionable tips for you to plug into your business right away. Frankly, this newsletter alone is worth your entire membership fee.
- Monthly online trainings on various aspects of the nine accelerators I described in the video. I won't go into detail for the reasons I've already given.
- The annual GYBF Foundations Summit. This will be a combination of "learning" and "doing" — it's NOT a matter of sitting in a room listening to me and Connor pontificate for two days. COVID-19 permitting we'll have this live at a venue in the UK; alternatively, we'll host it over Zoom.
- You get free access to essentially everything I've ever written, said, or had videod over the last fuck-knows how many years... events, newsletters, books, trainings, products, etc. It's all excellent and essential background info., and covers every aspect of the work we do in exquisite detail... dozens of hours of audio and video, and hundreds of thousands of words of Evil Bald Goodness covering every topic in the field you can imagine (and some undoubtedly couldn't).
- And much, much more... The world is constantly changing, and because of that business must needs change with it. So as time goes on we'll change and adapt the Foundations Mastermind to suit. Can't say fairer than that, can I?
Membership fees are £250 + VAT each month (£300 in total)
P.P.S. This offer disappears at 5pm on Friday, 25th September 2020.
If you're not with us by then, your only option will be to join as a regular member at the full fee of £300 + VAT each month.
It'll still be worth your while, but why shell out more than you need to?
Membership fees are £250 + VAT each month (£300 in total)