March 26


“I’m gonna feel this in the morning”, I thought to myself.

And you know what?

I felt it in the morning.

I woke up and everything was stiff — and I ain’t just talking about my magnificent Morning Glory (well, as magnificent as Morning Glory gets when you’re 54).

Let me explain…

Yesterday I went back into the gym after a three-week layoff thanks to the combined effects of niggling injury, Elite, and then Yet Another Cold last week.

And today my body’s telling me in no uncertain terms It Does Not Approve.

But that’s the thing: the human body is nothing if not adaptable and in the same way you quickly adapt to exercise, you just as quickly (maybe even more quickly) adapt to being sedentary.

The major suckage of it all?

You don’t notice it until you get back into the gym.

It’s insidious and creeps up on you like an insidious and creepy thing. The first you know about it is you’re not as fit or strong as you were and the next morning you feel like you’ve been gang-raped by a herd of viagra-popping adolescent wildebeest. 

Newsflash: your biz is the same.

If you’re sedentary and idle in your marketing, you’re not standing still, much as you might think you are.

Nope. The minute you stop, the rot sets in.

It might take a while to show — possibly even years if you have a strong and responsive pack of loyal customers and clients, but believe you me… 

… the minute you stop recruiting, the walls begin closing in.

And when you realise this and pull out your finger in a panic?

The horny wildebeest come out to play, and it all starts to get a bit messy and painful.

The answer?

Don’t stop in the first place.

Always be marketing (even, and especially when you’re busy, because then you’ll have the cash-flow and be more relaxed and less needy).

Alas, this requires systems and a structured approach to marketing, and that’s what most businesses lack. They approach their marketing as an ad hoc and often much-resented activity and so never get to the point where it becomes a regular habit.

The upshot?

Despite their best intentions and the knowledge they really should keep it up…

… they take those layoffs…

… until the next time they panic because business has dropped off.




Fortunately for you, that’s one of the vexing little conundrums Connor and I are gonna get nailed for you at Ground Zero

See, at the core of what we do are systems (because that’s essentially what every business boils down to). 

And we’re gonna share with you what systems you need, how to plug them into your business, and, perhaps most important of all, how to keep them ticking over and chugging along, day in, day out.

It’s gonna make this whole marketing thing not just simple but as easy as it can be, too.

Click here for Ground Zero details.


P.S. Summer’s on the horizon, and you know what that means, don’t you?


Time to strip off the unavoidable fat I’ve put on over the winter while bulking up ye olde muscles.

But note this: I’m starting early, and not leaving it until the last minute and giving myself unrealistic deadlines.

More about this tomorrow.

In the meantime…

… you know what to do.

Click here for Ground Zero details.


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