Ta for that, ...
You're now on the list to receive your review copy of Get Off the Tools
I'll email you the download link at soon as it's ready.
In return...
- You give me a review of it so I can include it at the front of the final copy. I'd like a general impression and, if you can, one thing that particularly jumps out at you as being useful.
- You also send me a photo I can include with the review. And your business name and URL.
- You point out typos, mistakes and other cock-ups for me. I'm more interested in big errors in concept, flow, and structure than I am in misplaced commas, misspellings, and style. It's going to be proof-read once more when I'm done with it.
- If you spot places where I've jumped ahead or assumed something I haven't yet mentioned, then let me know.
- Similarly, if I've completely missed something major out (quite likely) then I also want to know.
What I'm looking for is comments about the content, and how useful you think it's going to be for the average tradesman, especially a complete newbie who needs a place to start.
I'm not interested in your random opinions on anything, because, just like porn, "random opinions" are hard to define, but easy to spot when we see them... for example, there's bad language in there and I'm not interested in what you think about that in terms of "professionalism" or its "appeal" to people, or how effective the methods I share with you are going to be (this stuff works, end of story).
Likewise, I'm not remotely interested in your thoughts about fonts, layout, colours, style, or my choice of underwear.
Remember... this book is not going for the Booker Prize or the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Finally, it's still rough and there is some polishing to be done, not least in "action points" I want to put at the end of each chapter, and the half-dozen TBCs you'll see.
So just pretend they're there.
The reason it's rough is I have a hard-date of 31st March to get this finished and uploaded to Amazon's Kindle platform.
So it's mostly there and the substance isn't going to change, and I need your comments and stuff back by midnight on Tuesday 30th March.
Any later and you won't get in the book and will miss out on something nice I'm going to do for you and everyone else who helps me with this.